

Psychotic illnesses can be frightening. Treatment can be effective.

Psychosis can be caused by illnesses such as Schizophrenia, Bipolar Affective Disorder, severe Depression, Delusional Disorders (a partial psychosis), Alcohol and/or Drug (AOD) misuse, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) or dementia. In these conditions an individual can experience delusions or hallucinations.




Psychotic episodes usually involve delusions, unusual thoughts that are difficult to shift, and auditory hallucinations, hearing sounds that no one else can hear. Sometimes the individual can become paranoid, which involves feeling victimised or persecuted by other people when there is no evidence that such a situation exists.



Patients who are psychotic can be treated with anti-psychotic medication. The symptoms can be distressing, hence patients may also be treated with talking therapies to help them understand their experience, their illness, to learn about their triggers and to understand how they might change their lives to decrease stress and the likelihood of relapse.

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